So... I thought I would begin with showing you with what's already in my hope chest. Where it came from, why it's there, who gave it to me, why I would use it, and so on...
This is my hope chest. For a long time, all that my hope chest was,was a few small items in a cardboard box. Mom and Dad surprised me with this one on my 17th birthday. I was sooo excited and I love how heavy duty it is.! ;)
This silverware was given to me by a very good friend a couple of years ago. They are stainless steal and I love the design on them and the box they came in. I have never been one to care for things made of true silver and gold... If you give me something that serves the purpose and it's nice, then I'll take it. ;) I like to go for practical than ultra fancy. Esp. when you can't use your ultra fancy stuff all the time. If you are going for practical and you know you will probably have a large family one day, then go for what serves the purpose. For one, when you lose it or it get's broke, it doesn't cost hundreds of dollars to replace it. For two, it doesn't take any special cleaning.

I made this baby girl blanket a couple of years ago. I was going to sell it, but I couldn't part from it. ;) So, I put it in my hope chest for my first baby girl. I made this with the scraps of yarn I had at the times. It didn't all match when I had it together, but I planned it out to where the things that would really make it awkward looking in colors, would be a compliment to each other. When you are making something like this, you don't want to put all of one color in one place. Make it vary like I did with the Navy Blue.

This is some misc. stuff. The dress was my little sisters and my Mom was going to get rid of it because she didn't like it. I happened to love it and told her I wanted it for my little girl someday. We love to go to thrift stores and find good deals... I was able to find myself a maternity dress and shirt for when the time comes. Hot pads are always a good thing to get. You can get them cheaply and you could probably never have to many. Cookbooks, homeschool books that you have found, or measuring cups are always good to find and pack away. They get lost very easily and you can never have to many of those either.
The knives were given to me by my Dad on my 16th birthday. Also a good think to pack away. ;) I would reccoomend RADA knives. They are a little pricey, but they are AWESOMELY sharp!
A view of my 1950's cook book. It has recipes that don't requires Cambell's soups! :P
I found this stoneware at one of our thrift stores in town. I was so happy to find something so practical, pretty, and for a price I could afford. I think I paid 18 dollars for 12 bowls, 14 dessert plates, and 18 dinner plates! (That's how the numbers went I think. Close enough.) ;) My mom bought theses for me. ;) Thanks Mom!!!
The glass in this picture is only one in a set of 10, I think. My Grandma gave them to me for my Birthday this year. :) They are the perfect size and coordinate with the plates well alright..
My Grandma also bought me these. I have a complete set to serve 2 people. I plan to use them for me and my future husband on our wedding day. And probably on special occasions; until we have family to big to use them. And even then I may use them on our Anniversary. ;)
I have several of these cups, saucers, and dessert plates. I plan to mainly use these when we have company over for dessert and coffee.
Measuring cups that I won at my aunt's wedding shower, a pairing knife, wedding cutter/cake set, and snowflake ornaments that will go in my house for Christmas... ;)
And a vase that was given to me by my Grandma will one day hold Zinnia's from my Garden. ;)
This was my great grandmother's SILVERware. My Mom inherited it and she gave it to me. As you can see it really needs to be polished... but it sure is pretty and dainty when it is polished up!
And...keepsakes.. ;)
And... that's what's in my hope chest. I hope you got a few ideas. Don't forget to go for practicality more than fancy. Else you will only have dishes that sit in your cabinet. ;) If you already have a hope chest, would you please share what your idea's are/were!? Thanks for reading!
Recommended picture for pinning. ^^ ;)