Thursday, November 21, 2013

Questions To Be Asked During Courtship - Part 2 - questions 7-9

Question 7 - When/If we were to marry would you freely and joyfully have my family over? Do you love them or would you find it a burden to visit them after our marriage? I ask this question, because, I have know couples who, after they were married, the wife hardly ever saw her family because the husband hated/disliked them. I don't want this to be a matter of contention in our family. I want all of our families, to love each other and if possible, get together often.

Question 8 (similair to question 5)- What are your ideals on schooling? I want to homeschool. Private, Christian, and Public schools end up in disasters. I believe that the Bible gave the Children to the parents, for the parents to raise; not schools, and Sunday schools.

 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

 "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead.." Deuteronomy 6:5-8

Question 9 - What is your idea on what homeschooling is like? Do you think that children should be geniuses on all subjects. Or do you think that "simple" schooling is best? By simple schooling, I mean that the Children should know how to read, write, do arithmetic, science and history. ( When I mention Science and History I don't mean for them to memorize every date or remember every detail. If it's in there interest, they can pursue it on their own.) The reason I ask this, is because, I have seen book smart "geniuses"  who don't have any idea on how to survive in the real world. And they are always talking about things that are way over peoples heads! I don't mean our children should be stupid, I think they should be smart -but not so book smart that NO one knows what they are talking about. Or if they are smart, that they know how to talk to people that are on their "level" of thinking. - and know how to teach themselves and survive in the real world. What are your thoughts?

Some Thoughts About How to Know the True Character of Your "Guy"

Some thoughts on how to get to know our "Date" have come to my mind. I have often heard people say that the spouse they had married is nothing like the spouse they dated. No matter who you are, or how you court/date, you will see sides of each other that you never thought you would have seen.

 Going out with him is a good way to get know him, yes. But true character can be hid. Spend time with his family. Ask his mother, sisters, friends, what his tastes are, his passions, but most of all ask them his faults and good qualities. How does he treat his sisters? His brothers? What is his respect towards his father? Is he honoring to him and his mother? If he doesn't respect his family, he isn't going to respect you, after you are married. Remember, this is the guy you will be married to for life. We want to be able to know his true character, BEFORE we say " I do". We need to know what to expect as his help-meet. If we don't, we may have a husband we promised ourselves we would never have.

Let your Dad go on "dates" with the guy. Watch how he treats your Father, your Mother and your silblings. (If He is or you are an only Child, watch how he treats other children. THIS is very important! If you are going to be trusting the Lord on the size of your family, then you need a man who will love the roll of a father.)  If he scoffs/laughs at some of the ways your parents believe or do things, then that should send up a red flag.

Just some thoughts... ;)